What is the PURPOSE behind the goals chosen for your child when working with your therapy team?
As parents and professionals, PARTNERING TOGETHER to choose specific goals and understanding the greater purpose it serves, is essential. This purpose must be driven by input from parents, as they hold the heart of what goals are most important for their child at any given time.
Will your child benefit from support with sensory processing, managing transitions, self help skills; feeding, toilet training, sleep, dressing or hygiene, emotional regulation, fine motor functioning or executive functioning?
Does your child avoid wearing or touching certain textures or going on playground equipment or into loud busy spaces?
Will your child benefit from support with regulation skills at home, school or in the community?
Does your child have wonderful interests and strengths that are not being used to to their potential to help achieve goals?
Purpose Pediatric Therapy will help to align therapy goals with areas that are purposeful and meaningful to you and your child!